Monday, November 7, 2016

Why Every School Should Have a Veteran’s Day Celebration

As a principal I believed there were opportunities, natural dates in our calendars, in which we could work in altruistic lessons. Veteran’s Day was such an opportunity. Our children wrote speeches and poems, decorated cards and baked cookies. They had an opportunity to shine. We want children to grow all around. Well rounded in the artistic aspects of being human… in the athletic aspects… and in the altruistic aspects. 


Thursday, October 6, 2016

Leave No One Behind

I can't tell you how powerful the military philosophy is to me. "Leave no man behind."
When you promise things like that- it provides purpose. When a superintendent shakes your hand and says, "I promise not to let you fail." It brings expectations up in your heart.
When you tell students that they are the most important things in the universe- you better discipline, teach, and invest in them with love, love, love.
Whatever it takes.
Life purpose. 
You will grow under my care at all cost.
You will develop skills and competencies to succeed as you get older.
Heart and mind, character and academics. 
It is the actions that follow your promises that show integrity.
I'm surrounded by students who show my heart and actions were aligned and THEY demonstrate what loving leadership can do.

Tuesday, October 4, 2016


What a day.
I resigned today. 
Family first.
Deep emotions. 
Vera- I hope your looking down with pride... I strived to make your name great in Colorado Springs.
We created new programs like STEM.
We loved students with our character programs and Capturing Kids Hearts.
We impacted vets and first responders with the voices of our children. 
We inspired writers with a Young Author's Day.
We built a new plaza for teachers to use, cleared the gym from lunch duty, brought art into our building and created a technology rich school.
We built a team approach to learning and massaged in the next generation competencies.
We loved ALL our children like they were our own.
Hundreds of memories.
Thank you 

Friday, September 30, 2016

Be The Inspiration- through our STEM work

This morning I popped into the STEM class. I was inspired by a couple of 4th graders and their subject... They were learning about Nobel Prize winners. (It's a goal of mine to graduate a Nobel Prize winner.)
I learned about Gertude Elion... She created medicines that helped children survive Leukemia. She started a company so we looked it up.
What we discovered was amazing.
The company has a mission: "We are a science-led global health care company on a mission: we want to help people do more, feel better, live longer." 
Our district says we are preparing students for a world yet to be imagined... At Scott Elementary that happens every day. Students interact with global companies that are shaping the future. These students are inspired to be difference makers like the Nobel Prize Winners they are studying.
I love it. (Written on 9/8 but it didn't post)

Friday, August 19, 2016


As I visited classrooms yesterday I found a story was developing. It went like this: in Snow White there was a mirror that answered questions. This morning, like every other morning, someone at Disney asked, " Where is the happiest place of them all?" The mirror said,"Vera Scott Elementary!"
Why? Two main reasons. We have an amazing staff that builds caring relationships with students. They bring the awesomeness to our school. 2nd- our students. They are taught to show empathy and kindness. We believe in developing character traits here and this will build our community for several years to come!